Why Indonesia
The processing industry in Indonesia still shows positive progress. This is reflected upon the achievements of Indonesian Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) released by IHS Markit in February 2020 at position 51.9, the highest score since 2005.
Based on data from the Ministry of Industry, Indonesian food and beverage products were able to record the highest export value in the manufacturing group with achievement of USD27.28 billion during 2019. Besides, this industry was also the largest depositor of investment value during January – September 2019 period which reaches IDR 41.43 trillion.
The Ministry of Industry noted that the investment value of the manufacturing industry during the first quarter of 2020 reached IDR 64 trillion which reaches up to 44.7% compared with the achievements of the same period from last year which reaches IDR 44.2 trillion
Currently, Indonesia government focuses on the growth of manufacturing industry since it contributed 30.4% of the total investment of IDR 210 trillion.
The Indonesian Food and Beverage Association (GAPMMI) has a target that the growth of Indonesia’s food & beverage industry this year will grow in double digits.
The Indonesian government has also set that the food and beverage industry to become one among the five manufacturing sectors that are prioritized under the Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap.
The big opportunities for Industry 4.0 in Indonesia are mostly driven by the demographic factor in the country for the next decade. Indonesia with over 260 million populations has recognized as one of the most important dynamic markets and became a very promising market in the world.